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2020-03-05 10:44:07  573次浏览 次浏览
价 格:32000

Introduction 引言

The FAMI-QS Code of Practice provides requirements for implementing measures necessary to ensure feed safety

and quality of products manufactured by processes,as defined by FAMI-QS.The text of the Code is designed to set

out general requirements and to be used as a tool for Operators to develop their specific procedures.

FAMI-QS 操作规范提供了实施必要措施的要求,以确保由 FAMI-QS 定义的过程生产的饲料产品的质量和。


The Code covers requirements on Good Manufacturing Practices, on the HACCP programme and suggestions on

continuous improvements to the design, management of operations and risks with a goal of maintaining feed safety

and quality.

FAMI-QS.jpg该操作规范涵盖了良好操作规范的要求,HACCP 计划和关于持续改进设计、操作和风险管理的建议,以保持


A set of Process Documents are provided as add-ons to the FAMI-QS Code. These are auditable documents,

established in line with Codex Alimentarius (including HACCP programme) principles, for each process described in

the Scope Chapter (see Chapter 2 of this document). The Process Documents are meant to check for specific risks

per process and to provide information on how to deal with particular issues in a more detailed and practical

way.These documentswill be submitted to periodical review, in line with emerging relevant technological, scientific

and legislative developments or statutory modification in the sector.

提供了一套过程文件,作为 FAMI-QS 操作规范的附件。这些文件是根据食品法典(包括 HACCP 计划)原则制

定的可用于审核的文件,适用于范围章节(见本文件第 2 章)中描述的每个过程。过程文件的目的是检查每



The ultimate goal of this Code of Practice is to ensure feed safety by minimizing unsafe practices and the risk

ofhazardous ingredients entering the food chain.Feed is considered unsafe for its intended use if it is likely to pose a

risk to (has adverse effect on)human or animal health, or if the food derived from food-producing animals is unsafe

for humanconsumption.




Compliance with FAMI-QS does not exonerate the Operator from meeting statutory orregulatory requirements


遵守 FAMI-QS 规范并不免除经营者满足法律法规要求的责任,包括:

a) in the country where the Operator is based;


b) in the country where the final product coming from a FAMI-QS certified process is placed.

经 FAMI-QS 认证的终产品的投放国。

In case there are no applicable feed regulatory requirements in the country of production and/ or destination, the

Operator should follow the European regulatory guidelines.


The FAMI-QS Code of Practice is a public document and its contents can be followed freely by anyOperator.

Participation in the FAMI-QS auditable system is voluntary.

FAMI-QS 操作规范是一份公开文件,其内容可由任何经营者自由遵守。参与 FAMI-QS 体系审核是自愿的

9. Assessment of suppliers and assured sources 供应商 评估 和 有保证 来源

Any raw material / traded product which enter the manufacturing process or trade of any product under the FAMI-QS

scope shall be assessed according to chapter 8.6. of the FAMI-QS Code.

FAMI-QS 范围内,任何进入生产工艺流程或产品贸易的原料或交易的产品应按 FAMI-QS 操作规范的第 8.6 章节


9.1. Audit guidelines for supplier audits 供应商审核准则

a) The frequency of the audits shall be at least every 3 years.


b) The first audit shall be executed no later than 6 months after the first raw material delivery.


c) Audits have to be executed by experienced employees (according to the Operator’s procedures) or by a

capable 3 rd party auditor (according to the selection criteria established in the “Rules for Certification Bodies”).



d) Relevant sections of the FAMI-QS Code shall be checked and audit reports, including follow-up procedures on

actions, shall be available.


Note on the “experienced employees”: An experienced employee is the employee that can demonstrate

competences related to the following aspects:

“ 有经验的人员 ” 的注释:有经验的人员是能够证明与以下方面相关的能力的人员:

• Knowing the importance of the quality of the raw material for the production process.


• Understanding the principles of a Feed Safety and Quality Management System.


• Knowing auditing techniques


• Have been for at least three years within the Operator.


It is the FAMI-QS external auditor's responsibility to check that the requirements set according to the

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